QA Financial Forum New York | 15 May 2024 | BOOK TICKETS
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Open-source Test Automation – Best Practices with Appium

Listen to the webinar on-demand. 

A growing number of financial firms are turning to Appium –  in particular because they can use it to accelerate and scale test automation across hundreds of different mobile devices. And it can be argued that well-established open-source communities such as Appium’s – in which hundreds of good developers are contributing their work in their own time – are in tune with the increasing focus on digital resilience.

In this session, Eyal will explain why you should embrace Appium and he’ll discuss his tips and tricks for using Appium. He’ll also take a deep-dive into Appium’s client-server architecture; the new Appium Inspector and its “hidden” features; the different types of mobile files and mobile applications covered  as well as locator strategy for iOS and Android. Finally, he’ll discuss how to start using Appium in Java and WebDriverIO frameworks.